Aerial view of the resort surrounded by lush greenery.

Memberships & Associations

Federation of Hotels & Restaurant Association of India (FHRAI)

The apex Hospitality trade association of India, FHRAI provides a constant interface between industry, political leadership, policy formulation, academics and other stakeholders. FHRAI is committed to adding value to hotel services and enhance the quality of benefits to the members. They promote members business nationally and internationally.

FHRAI keeps member hotels aware of the latest International and national trends, news, best practices and statistics. Keeping members updated on latest government circulars, notifications and legal issues and helping members in building capacity in the industry and develop Human resource potential for future expansion.

Resort Condominiums International (RCI)

Resort Condominiums International, LLC (RCI) is the world’s leading global provider of products and services to the timeshare industry, with more than 3,700 affiliated resorts in 101 countries. Since its inception in 1974, RCI has arranged exchange vacations for more than 60 million people worldwide. RCI India Pvt Ltd was setup in Bangalore in August 1992. RCI offers its members the widest choice of destinations.


Adventure Tour Operators Association Of India (ATOAOI)

The Adventure Tour Operators Association Of India has been founded to promote adventure tourism in India and to create an awareness overseas about the potential of adventure tourism in India. The Aims and Objectives of the society are as follows:

  • To promote national integration, international welfare and goodwill.
  • To assist students by scholarship to pursue higher education, study and research in the field of Development of Adventure Tourism in India.
  • To institute chairs and fellowship in India.
  • To conduct, seminars, group discussions, course of studies, cultural meetings, to promote adventure tourism in India.


The International Eco Tourism Society (TIES)

Founded in 1990, TIES is the largest and oldest ecotourism organization in the world dedicated to generating and disseminating information about ecotourism. It currently has members in more than 70 countries. The organization's membership includes academics, consultants, conservation professionals and organizations, governments, architects, tour operators, lodge owners and managers, general development experts, and ecotourists.

As a non-governmental organization, TIES is unique in its efforts to provide guidelines and standards, training, technical assistance, research and publications to foster sound ecotourism development join the growing ranks of ecotourism professionals who are working with the Society to make tourism a viable tool for conservation, poverty alleviation, protection of culture and bio-diversity, sustainable development and educational, as well as enjoyable, travel. We have had associations in the past.

Travel Operators for Tiger (TOFT)

This association is a campaign set up by a number of concerned Indian focused Travel Operators in the UK who believe there is a need for change in the way that nature and wildlife tourism is developing in India. PHPPL & Associates Ltd is an active member of this association as a ground handler & accommodation partner for its properties in Corbett Park. We have had associations in the past.

Department Of Tourism, Government of India

The Ministry of Tourism is the nodal agency for the development and promotion of Tourism in India. Its main roles are:

  • Formulating national policies and programs
  • Coordinating and supplementing the efforts and activities of various Central Government Agencies, State /Union Territories Governments
  • Catalyzing private investments
  • Strengthening promotional and marketing efforts
  • Providing trained manpower resources
  • Developing infrastructure
  • Conducting research and analysis

PHPPL & Associates Ltd has a Dept. of Tourism (Govt. of India) approval for 3 star hotels for some of its properties and is in the process of getting a heritage status for two properties, The Haveli Hari Ganga & The Naini Retreat. It is amongst one of the only players in the state of Uttaranchal for the same.

Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO)

The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) is the National body of the tourism industry. It has over 1100 members covering all segments of Tourism Industry. Established in 1982, IATO today has international acceptance, and linkages. It has close connections and constant interaction with other Tourism Associations in US, Nepal and Indonesia, where USTOA , NATO and ASITA are its member bodies; and is increasing its international networking with professional bodies for better facilitation to the International traveler visiting not only India but the entire Region.

PHPPL & Associates Ltd., is waiting for its induction formally into the association as an active member.

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